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[E-File Error Code F7004-905-03] How to resolve it?

IRS Error Code [F7004-905-03]:

In Form 7004, Line 1, 'ExtensionReturnCd' the return for which the extension is filed must match the return type established with the IRS for the EIN.

Rejection Message: The tax return for which the extension is filed didn't match the return type established with the IRS for this EIN.

What does it mean?

This error occurs when you request an extension for a tax return type that does not match what the IRS has on record for your business's EIN. Essentially, you’ve selected the wrong tax form for your business type.


To resolve the issue, you need to select the correct tax form based on your business type when filing for an extension. Here are the most common forms based on business types:

  • S Corporation or LLC organized as an S Corporation: Choose 1120-S.
  • Corporation: Choose 1120.
  • Partnership or LLC organized as a Partnership: Choose 1065.

For more details on your business type, you can refer to the provided link.

Here’s how to choose the correct tax form in your return:

Step 1: Sign in to your account.

Step 2: On the dashboard, under Business Extensions – Form 7004, identify the rejected return.

Step 3: Click the "Rejected by the IRS" button next to the rejected return to view the list of errors.

Step 4: Click the "Fix Me" button next to the error code F7004-905-03.

Step 5: You’ll land on the Select Form page. From the drop-down menu, choose the correct tax form for your business type.

Step 6: Review the details and click the "Transmit" button to re-transmit your return to the IRS at no additional cost.

We’ll update you on the status of the return once we hear back from the IRS.

For further assistance, we recommend contacting the IRS EIN Hotline at 1-800-829-4933.


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