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[E-File Error Code R0000-075-02] How do I resolve it?

IRS Error Code [R0000-075-02]:

The Routing Transit Number (RTN) entered in your extension is invalid and does not conform to the banking industry RTN algorithm.

What does it mean? The bank routing number you entered in the extension is incorrect. You need to verify the routing number with your bank and ensure it is valid.


Step 1: Log in to your account.

Step 2: Under Business Extensions - Form 7004, locate the rejected return.

Step 3: Click the "Rejected by the IRS" button for that return.

Step 4: Find the list of errors and click the "Fix Me" button for error code R0000-075-02.

Step 5: You will be directed to the IRS Payment page. Here, correct the bank routing number. The routing number must be 9 digits, and the first two digits should be between 01-12 or 21-32.

Step 6: Review the updated details and click the "Transmit" button to re-submit your return to the IRS at no additional cost.

You’ll be notified of the status once the IRS responds.

For further assistance, contact the IRS EIN Hotline at 1-800-829-4933.


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