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Find answers to your questions.[E-File Error Code R0000-671-01] How do I resolve it?
IRS Error Code [R0000-671-01]:
The 'SpouseBirthDt' element is invalid - The value '0001-01-01' is invalid according to its datatype. The Pattern constraint failed.
Rejection Message:
Your spouse's birth date is missing - Please enter the spouse's date of birth.
What does it mean?
This rejection occurs when the spouse’s birth date is either missing or incorrectly formatted in the return.
Verify and enter the correct birth date for your spouse.
Re-transmit the extension after ensuring the information is accurate.
If the birth date is already entered but you are still receiving this error, contact our support team at 803-514-5155 for further assistance.
Steps to Enter Your Spouse’s Birth Date in Your Return
Step 1: Sign in to your account.
Step 2: On the dashboard, under Personal Extensions - Form 4868, locate the rejected return and click "Rejected by the IRS" next to it.
Step 3: On the Errors page, find Error Code R0000-671-01 and click "Fix Me".
Step 4: You will be directed to the Taxpayer’s Basic Information page. Under Spouse Information, enter the correct birth date.
Step 5: Click "Transmit" to re-submit your return to the IRS at no additional cost. We will notify you once the IRS processes your return.
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