Form 8868
- What is Name Control?
- How do I e-file Form 8868 with ExpressExtension?
- Can I pay the tax dues while electronically filing the extension?
- When does the payment gets withdrawn from my bank account for the EFW payment option?
- When does the payment occur if I opted to pay the IRS tax due through Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)?
- The IRS rejected my extension because it was filed too late. Is there a way to see the exact time the extension was filed?
- Why was my return rejected as a duplicate?
- By when should I paper file the 7004/8868 extension when I couldn't e-file my rejected extension?
- What happens when my extension gets rejected and the deadline passes?
- I need to discuss my extension with the IRS. What information should I provide to discuss the return?
- The IRS has rejected my extension. What should I do next?
- Can I use the information on the previous year's return to file extension for the current year?
- Can corporations, partnerships, and tax-exempt companies paper file if e-filed 7704/8868 gets rejected?
- [E-file Error Code F8868-053] How do I resolve it?
- [E-file Error Code F8868-908] How do I resolve it?
- [E-file Error Code R0000-075-02] How do I resolve it?
- [E-file Error Code R0000-906-02] How do I resolve it?
- [E-file Error Code R0000-902-01] How do I resolve it?
- [E-file Error Code R0000-922-01] How do I resolve it?
- Does Form 8453-TE only need to be signed by the taxpayer?
- Is there an option for Tax Professionals to bulk upload their clients’ Form 8868 data?
- Why I could not select one of the organizations to continue bulk e-filing Form 8868?
- How do buy credits work in ExpressExtension?
- Can I pay the tax due while electronically filing the extension Form 8868?
- The IRS has rejected my Form 8868 extension. What should I do next?
- How does a tax professional send Form 8453-TE to the taxpayer for their signature?
- What if my taxpayer declines my request to e-sign Form 8453-TE or is delaying things?
- Will I be notified if my taxpayer e-signs Form 8453-TE? How do I check the status?