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Find answers to your questions.[E-File Error Code F7004-904-01] How to resolve it?
IRS Error Code [F7004-904-01]:
The tax year ending date ('TaxPeriodEndDt' specified in the Return Header) in Form 7004 must match the data in the IRS e-file database unless one of the checkboxes in Line 5b – "Initial Return," "Final Return," or "Consolidated return to be filed" – is checked.
Rejection Message: The IRS has rejected your return because the tax period in the extension filed does not match the IRS's records.
What does it mean?
You have selected an incorrect tax period when requesting an extension for your tax form. For example, if your business follows a fiscal tax year from April to March, the tax period's end date should be March 31. If you choose any other date, the IRS will reject the return.
You need to correct the tax period and re-transmit the extension.
Here’s how to correct the tax period in your return:
Step 1: Sign in to your account.
Step 2: On the dashboard, under Business Extensions – Form 7004, locate the rejected return.
Step 3: Click the "Rejected by the IRS" button next to the rejected return to see the list of errors associated with the return.
Step 4: Click the "Fix Me" button next to the error code F7004-904-01.
Step 5: You will be directed to the Tax Year page. Select "Fiscal/Short Tax Year" and use the date picker to choose the correct Start Date and End Date for your tax year. If it’s a short tax year (less than 12 months), you will need to select a reason for that.
Step 6: After making the correction, review the details.
Step 7: Click the "Transmit" button to re-transmit your return to the IRS at no additional cost.
We’ll keep you updated on the status of the return once we hear back from the IRS.
For further assistance, we recommend contacting the IRS EIN Hotline at 1-800-829-4933.
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