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How to file a tax extension for an S Corp tax return?

If an S-Corporation cannot file its 1120-S form on time, it can file a tax extension using Form 7004, which grants an automatic 6-month extension, moving the due date to October 15.

Steps to e-file an extension for an S-Corp tax form:

With ExpressExtension, filing an S-Corp tax extension is simple. Follow the minimal steps to e-file an extension form for S-Corp:

Step 1: Sign in to your account and click the "Create Business Tax Extension (Form 7004)" button on the dashboard.

Step 2: Enter the business details and click the ‘Next’ option.

Step 3: Select the business tax return as ‘1120-S U.S. Income Tax Return for an S-Corporation’.

Step 4: Choose the tax year—calendar or fiscal year. If you are reporting for a short tax year (less than 12 months), indicate the reason (e.g., initial return, final return, change in accounting period, consolidated return, or other).

Step 5: Indicate whether or not you owe taxes to the IRS for the current tax year. If you do, enter the estimated tax due details and click the ‘Next’ option.

Step 6: Select the IRS tax-due payment method.

Step 7: Review the form information and transmit it to the IRS.

Step 8: After you transmit your extension form, we will send you an email with further information. If the extension form is rejected by the IRS for any reason, you can re-transmit the rejected return through ExpressExtension at no additional charge.


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