ExpressExtension Support
Find answers to your questions.[E-File Error Code F7004-003-03] How to resolve it?
RS Error Code [F7004-003-03]:
Form 7004, the application for the extension can only be filed after the Tax Period End Date ("TaxPeriodEndDt" specified in the "ReturnHeader") and on or before the due date of the return to which the extension applies.
Rejection Message: The application for an extension can only be filed after the business's tax period ends but on or before the due date of the return to which the extension applies, as specified here.
What does it mean?
This error occurs when you attempt to file an extension either too early or too late. For example, if your business follows a calendar tax year (January 1 to December 31), the extension due date would be in mid-March. The two scenarios that can cause rejection by the IRS are:
- Filing an extension too early or exactly on the day your tax period ends (e.g., December 31).
- Filing an extension after the actual due date of the return (e.g., after mid-March).
If you filed your extension too early or exactly on the date your tax period ended, log in to your account after the tax period ends and re-transmit the extension with the same details. There is no additional charge for re-transmitting your return.
For any further assistance, we recommend contacting the IRS EIN Hotline at 1-800-829-4933.
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