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IRS has rejected my client’s business tax extension with the error code: F7004-011-03. How to resolve it?

IRS Error Code [F7004-011-03]:

Taxpayer EIN in the Return Header must not be the same as an EIN of a previously accepted electronic return for the return type and tax period and Type of Return Code indicated for the tax return type.

Rejection Message: The IRS has already received a request for an extension for this EIN filed by you or, in some cases, by your client.

What does it mean?

This error occurs when the IRS has already accepted a request for an extension for the same EIN within the same tax period. It means either an extension has already been filed for this EIN, or there is a duplicate EIN being used for different businesses, which results in a conflicting extension request.


To resolve this, follow these steps:

  1. Confirm if an extension has already been filed for this EIN.
    Check if you or your client has already filed an extension for this EIN with the IRS.

  2. Check for possible duplication.
    Verify if the EIN was entered for another business by mistake, as this would cause a duplicate extension request.

  3. If no extension has been filed yet, we recommend contacting the IRS EIN Hotline at 1-800-829-4933 for further assistance.

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