My Business is recognized as Single Member LLC. Which form should I file to request an extension?
Last modified 2/12/2024 7:03:34 AM EST |
Added by ExpressExtension Team
Primarily, there are 2 types of Single Member LLCs:
- Single Member LLC as Sole Proprietorship
- Single Member LLC as Corporation
Single Member LLC treated as Sole Proprietorship (Disregarded entity)
If you are a Single Member LLC, treated as Sole Proprietorship, you can use the tax extension Form 4868 to request an extension of time to file Form 1040 with the IRS.
Form 4868 must be filed on or before the Form 1040 deadline, which is the 15th day of the 4th month following the end of the business's tax year. Upon filing Form 4868, you can get an automatic extension of up to 6 months.
Single Member LLC treated as Corporation
If you are a Single Member LLC, treated as Corporation, you can use the tax extension Form 7004 to request an extension of time to file Form 1120 or 1120-S with the IRS.
Form 7004 must be filed on or before the original due date of the business tax return. Upon filing Form 7004, you can get an automatic extension of up to 6 months.
If you do not know which business tax return you need to choose when filing an extension Form 7004 in ExpressExtension, you can use the inbuilt feature available in our application that will help you choose the right tax return based on your business entity type. Here is how:
1. Click the “What business return should I file extension for?" link for assistance in choosing the correct business tax return to file an extension.
2. Select your business entity type as “Limited Liability Company (LLC)” from the drop-down list, and choose "Single Member LLC as a Corporation" from the options, and we will suggest the business tax return you need to choose to file an extension for.
Select either Form 1120 or 1120-S from the list and click 'Confirm' to proceed to file the extension for that business tax return.